7 Days 2021 Movie Poster
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7 Days Movie Review (2021)

7 Days is a little romantic comedy so charming that it won’t even bother you (much) that it’s set during Covid.

7 Days 2021 Movie Poster

I’ll admit that when it comes to Covid, I am not seeking entertainment that highlights that period. It was triggering for everyone in their own way and I don’t think anyone is looking to relive it. That being the case, this movie is a little highlight in the midst of the ick.

7 Days is a cute romantic comedy that primarily takes place in one house in the days after the Covid shut-downs. Starring Karan Soni (always awkward and endearing) and Geraldine Viswanathan (brash and hilarious) as a couple on a blind-date, they are the only people that you see “in person” throughout the movie. Every other actor communicates with them by phone or video call. It’s a lot to ask of this duo, but they pull it off winningly.

This film is an ode to Indian matchmaking and all of the intricacies that go into parents’ expectations for their children, while sometimes clashing with different wants and desires of their adult children. The film is captivatingly bookended with real couples who met through the matchmaking process (a la When Harry Met Sally) and I only wished that those moments went on a little longer because they were incredibly interesting and fun to hear about.

7 Days is funny, charming, and sweet in tone, with a little raunch thrown in here and there. It is witty and smart, so during the very few times that it feels like the humor has been dumbed-down a bit, it brings a chuckle rather than an eyeroll.

One issue that some people may take with this film is that the tone changes between beginning, middle, and end. This doesn’t bother me if I’m invested in a movie and I can ride the wave with the story. This was one of those times.

Also, there’s an awful lot packed into the “7 days” in 7 Days, but again, I found it so enjoyable that I didn’t care.

7 Days is a fun little rom-com that will having you laughing, intrigued, and charmed. If you need some light entertainment, this is a great movie to watch.

Runtime: 86 minutes

Motion Picture Rating: Not Rated

Languages Spoken In The Film: English

Should You Watch It? Yes

Did I Cry? No, but I had a big smile on my face

My Rating: 4/5 Stars

Available: Free on Prime Video or may be available for free on other streaming platforms

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